Chronic headaches can have a major impact on your life. And it takes quite a bit to go from being frustrated to accepting your headaches. It is a process in …

From frustration to acceptance: Coping with chronic headaches.

Self-stigma: How headaches impact your self-image and social life.
Chronic headaches are not only terribly annoying and irritating for you, but they also have a huge impact on your social life and your self-image. In this blog I will …

How aromatherapy can help with headaches.
When you think of aromatherapy, you might immediately think of a few drops of essential oil in a diffuser. But aromatherapy is much more versatile and can also work very …

How Bach Flower Therapy can help with headaches.
As a Holistic Headache Therapist, I do not work specifically with the ailment, but with you as a person. I have a number of methods for this that I can …

Holistic Headache Therapist, what is it and what does he do?
I am a Holistic Headache Therapist and one of the questions I get perhaps the most is “Okay, but what exactly do you do?” I want to explain that to …