Part 1: Breathing techniques. I have written blogs a while ago about how aromatherapy and Bach Flower therapy can help with headaches. But there are many more things that can …

How mindfulness can help with headaches.

The effect of dieting on your headaches.
Until I started focusing on headaches, I focused on Intuitive Eating as a nutritionist. I was (and am!) strongly anti-diet. In my opinion, dieting is not only incredibly bad for …

A double burden: How giftedness and chronic headaches reinforce each other.
Although there is no direct scientific evidence that people who are highly gifted suffer from headaches more often than people who are not highly gifted, there does seem to be …

From frustration to acceptance: Coping with chronic headaches.
Chronic headaches can have a major impact on your life. And it takes quite a bit to go from being frustrated to accepting your headaches. It is a process in …

Self-stigma: How headaches impact your self-image and social life.
Chronic headaches are not only terribly annoying and irritating for you, but they also have a huge impact on your social life and your self-image. In this blog I will …

Nutrition and Headaches: What Do We Know and What Don’t We Know?
Besides being an aromatherapist and Bach Flower therapist, I am also a nutritionist. So a blog about the connection between food and headaches cannot be missed. In this blog I …

The influence of smell on headaches.
In my previous blog I explained that aromatherapy can work very well for headaches. However, scent can also trigger headaches and then treatment with aromatherapy is not the best solution …

How aromatherapy can help with headaches.
When you think of aromatherapy, you might immediately think of a few drops of essential oil in a diffuser. But aromatherapy is much more versatile and can also work very …

How Bach Flower Therapy can help with headaches.
As a Holistic Headache Therapist, I do not work specifically with the ailment, but with you as a person. I have a number of methods for this that I can …

Why is good essential oil so expensive?
I get this question every now and then, and to be honest, I have asked myself this same question for a long time. But at the same time, the word …