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When you think of aromatherapy, you might immediately think of a few drops of essential oil in a diffuser. But aromatherapy is much more versatile and can also work very well for headaches, for example. How? I will explain that to you in this blog.

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a part of herbal medicine. This form of therapy uses essential oils from plants as a therapeutic component in the treatment of all kinds of mental and physical complaints.

The term ‘Aromatherapy’ was first used in 1937 by a French chemist from a well-known perfumer family, René Maurice Gattefossé. One day he badly burned his hand. Instinctively he dipped his hand in a bowl of lavender water that was on his table. This is how he discovered that lavender had a positive effect on the healing of the burn, it didn’t even leave have a scar. Gattefossé was so impressed by this that he started to do further research into the medicinal effects of plant oils.

What is aromatherapy?
Healing vibrations

Healing vibrations

There are a large number of essential oils that are attributed with a healing effect. The oil works for both physical and mental (psychological) complaints and supports the body and mind in a holistic way in its self-healing capacity.

With both physical and mental complaints there is an imbalance in the energy. In aromatherapy we assume that every oil has a certain healing vibration. This vibration helps to correct the inner imbalance.

The effect of this vibrating energy is based on a hermetic law that like attracts like. Just like everything in nature, we as humans also have our own unique energy field, and all kinds of energy channels (also called ‘life force lines’, ‘chi lines’ or ‘energy meridians‘) run through our body.

These channels can become clogged or blocked due to illness or stress. An essential oil with the right vibration can remove such a blockage or blockage. This allows the life energy to flow freely through the body again, and restores physical and mental health.

The effect on headaches.

Headaches can be caused by all sorts of things. Like muscle tension and stress, but also, for example, blocked sinuses due to a cold. These are quite acute forms of headaches and aromatherapy can be used for this when massaging the muscles. But inhaling the oil through a diffuser can also provide relief. And the well-known steam bath for a cold is also a form of aromatherapy.

If you have read my free e-book, you will have discovered that the root cause of headaches lies in our subconscious. And scent is a direct path to our subconscious. It takes you straight back to a memory.

By using the right (combination of) scents, you can, for example, remove the emotional charge from certain memories, which allows you to break through patterns that underlie the headache. But scents can also help to let go of certain memories and/or emotions, which removes the root cause of the headache.

In order to make optimal use of the effect of scents, massage can be used in addition to inhalation.

How our olfactory organ works and the precise influence of scents is for a next blog.

Contraindications in aromatherapy

Can you always use aromatherapy?

No. Too bad, huh?

Although essential oils are completely natural (see also my blog about the quality of good oil), you can’t just use them. There are always things you should pay close attention to:

  • Always keep essential oils away from children and pets. Although aromatherapy can also be beneficial for children and pets, you should always make sure that they can’t get to them themselves.
  • Never use essential oils internally, unless prescribed by a qualified naturopath or doctor.
  • When using on the skin, always use a carrier oil to dilute the essential oil. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts and should never be applied pure to the skin. The exception to this is lavender oil.
  • Always wash your hands after using an oil so that you don’t get oil in your mouth or eyes unnoticed.
  • If the essential oil causes irritation to the skin or has come into contact with the eyes, immediately apply a fatty vegetable oil (such as olive oil or sunflower oil). Essential oil dissolves best in these oils. If you accidentally ingest essential oils, immediately drink a few sips of fatty plant oil (see above)
  • Use essential oils during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor.
  • Epilepsy patients should always consult a doctor before using essential oils.
    • Anise, hyssop, rosemary, sage, fennel, nutmeg and cedar should never be used by epilepsy patients!
  • Rosemary, sage and thyme should not be used by people with high blood pressure.
  • Always consult a homeopathic doctor when using homeopathic medicines. Some essential oils (such as peppermint, chamomile, camphor and eucalyptus) can counteract the effect of homeopathic medicines.

Are you curious after reading this blog whether Aromatherapy could work for your headaches? Then book a free and non-binding Clarity Call. In this call we will look at your headaches together to see if I can do something for you. You will always receive a few valuable tools from me, so that you can at least take some steps yourself to reduce your headaches.

My client Karin said about this call: “A week after the call I already had less headaches”.

Are you curious about the e-book? You can download it for free here.

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