As a Holistic Headache Therapist, I do not work specifically with the ailment, but with you as a person. I have a number of methods for this that I can use, based on what works best for you. One of these methods is Bach Flower Therapy. In this blog I will go into more detail about what it is exactly, and how it can help with headaches.
What is Bach Flower Therapy?
Bach Flower Therapy is a holistic form of therapy. This means that the person is considered as a whole, and not just the ailment or complaint.
It is a therapy that was developed in 1917 by the English physician and bacteriologist Dr. Edward Bach. When he became seriously ill that year, he discovered that he intuitively knew which medicinal properties plants possessed and which ailments they could cure. He developed 38 remedies from wild flowers and plants.
When choosing a remedy, various aspects are taken into account, including:
- the mental and emotional state of the person to be treated
- their habits
- their nature
- their personality
- attitude
- typical behavior

The root cause of headaches.
If you have read my free e-book, you will have discovered that the root cause of headaches lies in our subconscious.
Of course there are ‘tangible’ triggers, such as too little sleep, being too busy, not eating or drinking enough, eating or drinking something that is a trigger for you, high blood pressure, stress, sitting too much behind a screen, bad posture, etc. But these triggers are not the real cause, not the root cause. These triggers are only the manifestations of the root cause in your reality.
So you can tackle the triggers, and you can do symptom control, but that does not tackle the real root cause.
1 + 1 = 2
So if you know that the root cause of headaches is hidden in your subconscious AND you know that Bach Flower therapy deals with the person as a whole, including the mental and emotional state, the personality, etc., then it is not surprising that Bach Flower therapy can help with headaches.
Bach Flower therapy focuses precisely on the place where the root cause of headaches is located: the subconscious. That is the place where your emotions are, where your personality is formed, where your typical behaviors originate.
Someone who is a real ‘people pleaser’, experiences stress as a result and therefore gets headaches, could benefit from Centaury as a remedy, for example. A treatment with this flower tackles the ‘pleasing’ of this person and adds self-confidence and strength to the gentleness of this person. This brings everything back into balance and can cure the headache.
If you only continue to treat the symptoms in this person, for example by providing more rest, resilience training, coaching on self-confidence, or painkillers, the headache will continue to return because you are not addressing the root cause.

And what about the side effects?
That is the beauty of Bach Flower Therapy. There are no side effects. With Bach Flower Therapy you do not suffer from “the cure is worse than the disease”, which you sometimes encounter with conventional medicine. Even an ‘innocent’ paracetamol to combat your headache is not as innocent as it seems.
Does this mean that I advise against conventional medicine? No, certainly not! I will always advise you to first go to a doctor with severe headaches, to rule out physical causes and underlying diseases. But if you have come to a standstill in conventional medicine, or no physical cause has been found, then Bach Flower Therapy can certainly be an option.
Are you curious after reading this blog whether Bach Flower Therapy could work for your headache? Then book a free and non-binding Clarity Call. In this call we will look at your headache together to see if I could do something for you. You will always receive a few valuable tools from me, so that you can at least take some steps yourself.
Are you curious about the e-book? You can download it for free here.
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